The County of DuPage
Wheaton, Illinois
Stormwater Management

Salt Creek

DuPage County Stormwater Management provides access to real-time water resource data throughout the Salt Creek Watershed. The following map below provides an overview of the watershed, including nine flood control facilities, thirteen stream gages, nine rain gages and ten cameras.

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Gage Totals

DuPage County Stormwater Management uses the United States Geological Survey (USGS) stream and rain gages, as well as a local stream gages. The stream gages show real-time observations of stream height and discharge. USGS compiles these measurements hourly. The rain gages provide information about precipitation totals in the last week, as well as a link to the USGS station page.

Table 1: Rain Gages

Location Inches
RG14 - Elmhurst Quarry Link to USGS Site
RG15 - Des Plaines River near Lemont Link to USGS Site
RG28 - Addison Treatment Plant Link to USGS Site
RG29 - Wood Dale Itasca Reservoir Link to USGS Site
RG45 - Busse Woods near Elk Grove Village Link to USGS Site

Table 2: Stream Gages

Please note, some gages may be reporting incorrect values. Staff is monitoring the real current elevations of each stream. The best way to view real-time elevation data is through the Cameras page.

Stream Gage Gage Height (ft)
SG2 - Salt Creek at Wood Dale (Irving Park Rd.) 669.36
SG4 - Salt Creek at Elmhurst (Elmhurst Quarry) 661.88
SG5 - Harger Road 648.22
Busse Woods Dam Level 685.47

USGS Cooperation

DuPage County works together with the USGS to provide real-time data. Many of the precipitation and stream gages within DuPage County are monitored and maintained through a cooperative agreement with the USGS. The following table provides rainfall totals for the last seven days at the USGS-monitored locations within DuPage County.

Gage Name Gage ID 1 Hour Total (inch) 3 Hour Total (inch) 6 Hour Total (inch) 12 Hour Total (inch) 24 Hour Total (inch) 2 Day Total (inch) 7 Day Total (inch)

Data is provisional and may display inaccuracies because of instrument malfunctions or physical changes at the gage location.

Flood Forecast Simulations

Using real and forecasted precipitation and stream levels, DuPage County Stormwater Management models rain totals countywide. They are simulated using provisional data, and actual watershed conditions may vary. All local agencies should use individual judgment when making operating decisions Simulations have been run at each of the below locations. In addition, County staff provides simulation notes. Further information regarding individual sites can be accessed by visiting their respective hyperlinks.